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King swagger's details
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I am sick of dating. There are too many players, fakes, liers and scammers out there. I am taking a new approach to dating.
I am going to drive into the trailor park completely naked with $10 bills taped all over my body. Lets see how long it takes for the 20 year old mother of 3 to get them all off. Assuming, of course, she can put down her beer and cigarettes down long enough.
I will have a video camera in my car so I can get it all on tape. Then I will post the video for sale on the 'net.
I figure if I am going to get screwed, I might as well have some fun with it. And hopefully make a profit.
If you find this funny, then you are sick twisted person like me. Perhaps we should talk.
Until next time... look for me in a trailor park near you.
I am looking for a chain smoking, beer guzzling, 20 year old mother of 3 living in a trailor park on welfare.
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